Your MBE Center
MBE Center 0115 Sevilla
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Arturo Cert
Solution Manager
MBE 0115 - Sevilla
Solution Center
C/ Jesús Del Gran Poder, 45 Bjs.
41002 Sevilla

Shipping in Sevilla and more.

MBE Center 0115 in Sevilla, C/ Jesús Del Gran Poder, 45 Bjs., is highly specialized in professional packing and shipping services from Sevilla, managing domestic and international and customized shipping. The service is provided in the whole area of Sevilla and not only.

Feel free to contact us for any request or for a quotation.

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Corsar Leather, 31/12/2024
MBE es de muy alta calidad. Envío desde España a Estados Unidos en tres días. Es muy rápido. ¡Muy recomendable!
Adolfo Arenas Alonso, 04/12/2024
Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento y admiración,llevo trabajando con ellos 6 años o más y no han fallado ni una sola vez,si algunas vez ha habido un problema lo solucionan sobre la marcha. Mi trabajo requiere bastantes envíos,sobre todo al extranjero,y sin embargo siempre están al otro lado del teléfono para cualquier duda,lo cual me tranquiliza bastante. Muchas gracias 😊
Ross Twiddy, 06/09/2024
MBE was incredible. We shipped some olive oil back home. MBE picked it up from the hotel, and communicated throughout the entire mailing process. Even when it was delayed by customs twice! They are All Stars! Thanks so much for working hard to get some Spanish olive oil back home.
Jan van Vliet, 05/09/2024
My Son forgot his laptop at Sevilla airport security. With the great help of MBE we were able to retrieve the laptop within 3 days in good order back in The Netherlands. Super great service thank you!
Usmaan Akbar, 30/08/2024
These guys were my life savers when I left my bag at Seville airport. Their customer service was brilliant and they made the whole process of getting my item back clear and simple. I would highly recommend them. They shipped my stuff using FedEx, collected it the next day, and kept me updated through out.
kevin garrity, 04/07/2024
MBE was absolutely FABULOUS. We left some items in our room in Spain. MBE pick the items up at the hotel, carefully wrapped them in a box and sent them. We had them in our possession in a few days. They were extremely polite and professional. Additionally, they communicated EVERY STEP OF THE WAY which made us feel very comfortable! Hats off the MBE!!! Exceptional customer service!! The are there when you need them!! Kevin
Lola Martinez Segura, 01/07/2024
Eficientes, rápidos y baratos. En dos días llegará el paquete en la península ( espero).
Maya Levy, 20/06/2024
Super experiencia con ellos, tenia tres cajas y dos maletas que enviar a francia y me las vinieron a buscar hasta mi casa. Precio muy bueno y el equipo muy amable.
Paulina Woźniak, 12/01/2024
Polecam! Przesyłka szybko dotarła do Polski bez żadnych problemów!
Paulina Wojtukiewicz, 16/02/2024
Przesyłka pięknie i szczelnie zapakowana i zabezpieczona bardzo szybko trafiła do mnie do Polski. Wszystko poszło sprawnie! Polecam z całego serca ❤️
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MBE SPAIN 2000 S.L.. • Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 129-131 planta12 • 08014 Barcelona (Spain) • Tel. +34 933 624 730 • Fax +34 933 624 731•

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