The story

MBE has kept growing throughout its history. The people at MBE Worldwide's ca. 2.800 current locations in 52 countries use our business concept to solve the needs of local businesses and consumers in the communities in which they live.

Founded in San Diego, California in 1980, Mail Boxes Etc. was introduced in Italy in 1993 by Graziano Fiorelli as Master licensee for the MBE brand. Since opening the pilot Center in 1992 the Italian MBE Network has grown to over 500 Centers. MBE Italy also subsequently acquired MBE Master Licenses rights for Spain, Germany and Austria.

In 2009, MBE Worldwide - a wholly owned subsidiary of the Italian Fiorelli family - acquired from MBE U.S. Inc., a subsidiary of UPS Inc., the Mail Boxes Etc. worldwide business (excluding the U.S. and Canada, which remain under MBE U.S. Inc.), including trademarks, business format and all existing Master Franchising contracts.  With the acquisition, MBE Worldwide became the sole owner of the Mail Boxes Etc. brand and franchisor of the MBE franchise system.

MBE Italy expanded to 300 MBE Centers and presence in 80% of Italian provinces thereby becoming the largest and most successful international MBE Master Licensee.

Master Licensees for Spain, Germany and Austria added to the portfolio. Network expansion increased to over 600 MBE Centers in the four European countries.

MBE Worldwide's acquistion of the MBE franchise system compliments ongoing expansion of network to ca. 1,370 MBE Centers in over 30 countries. Aggregated network turnover exceeds € 330 Million.

MBE Italy celebrates 20 year anniversary.  MBE product and services portfolio expands via e-commerce sales of shipping, graphic and print, printer accessories (cartridges/toner under the brand name “MBEPrint”), photographic and office products.

Mail Boxes Etc. grows to more than 1,500 locations on four continents. Aggregated network revenues top € 400 million.

A year of acquisitions for Mail Boxes Etc. around the world: two US companies, PostNet International Franchise and AlphaGraphics Inc. are now part of the group, MBE's network nowadays has over 2,500 Service Centers (of which about 500 in the US and 2,000 in others 40 countries).

MBE Worldwide acquires majority ownership in selected MBE Service Centers.

Funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. acquire up to 40% ownership in MBE Worldwide.

MBE Worldwide acquires PACK & SENDMulticopy and PrestaShop; MBE establishes a direct presence in the UK & Ireland.

MBE Worldwide acquires GEL PROXIMITY, to grow in proximity logistics services. This acquisition represents a strategic step in MBE Worldwide's growth path.

MBE Worldwide acquires WORLD OPTIONS to provide businesses with an industry-leading service for all shipment types based on availability, speed and price.

Los Centros MBE son gestionados por franquiciados, emprendedores independientes, que operan bajo la marca MBE por un contrato de franquicia. Mail Boxes Etc. desempeña a través de su Red de negocios en franquicia, servicios de soporte a las empresas y particulares. Los principales servicios que ofrecemos son de logística y envíos, llevados a cabo gracias a los acuerdos de los que se benefician los franquiciados firmados por MBE con las principales empresas de mensajería nacionales e internacionales, y de diseño e impresión realizados bien sea directamente como a través de acuerdos con grandes centros reprográficos. La promoción de los servicios MBE a empresas y particulares se produce gracias a la actividad comercial desarrollada por el franquiciado MBE tanto en el interior como en el exterior del punto de venta (farming), específicamente, esta última, representa obligación contractual a cargo de cada franquiciado. Mail Boxes Etc. y MBE son marcas registradas y utilizadas por concesión de MBE Worldwide S.p.A. (todos los derechos son reservados). No todos los servicios y productos ofrecidos por MBE están disponibles en cada punto de venta. El material disponible en esta web, la información y datos contenidos en la misma no pueden ser copiados, distribuidos, modificados, republicados, reproducidos, descargados o transmitidos a terceros por cualquier medio, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de MBE Spain 2000, SL. No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad con respecto a la utilización del material, información y/o datos no autorizados, contenidos en este sitio web.
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