Shipping Rates for E-commerce


Customized Rates
for E-commerce Shipping

We Manage Everything, So You Only Worry
About Growing Your Online Business

At MBE, we know that optimizing shipping costs is key to the success of your online store. That’s why we offer competitive and flexible rates designed to adapt to your needs. Thanks to our network of national and international couriers, you can save time and resources while ensuring fast and secure deliveries.

Calculate Your Shipping Rate

At Mail Boxes Etc., we understand that every e-commerce business has different needs and volumes. That’s why we offer customized shipping rates for e-commerce that optimize costs and adapt to your business model. Whether you need to make small quantities of national or international shipments or have us manage your entire logistics process, MBE is the ideal choice for your business.

  • How Many Shipments Do You Make?

  • We offer tailored e-commerce shipping rates so you can reduce logistics costs without compromising service quality, regardless of your shipping volume.

    1 to 25 shipments/month

    Between 1 and 25 shipments/month

    26 to 55 shipments/month

    Between 26 and 55 shipments/month

    More than 50 shipments/month

    More than 50 shipments/month

  • National and International Shipping:

  • No matter where your shipments are going, we design your personalized rate to ensure the best service at the best price:








Multi-Courier Parcel Shipping Service

At Mail Boxes Etc., we transform your business logistics with specialized parcel shipping solutions for companies. We operate with the leading courier companies to offer you flexible, economical, and personalized options. From national to international shipments, we guarantee efficiency and security in every package.

ship with Correos Express ship with UPS ship with FedEx ship with CTT Express ship with Seur ship with TNT

Why Choose MBE’s E-Commerce Shipping Rates?

Unlike other options in the market, MBE goes beyond simple delivery, offering a comprehensive solution that optimizes your entire e-commerce shipping logistics.

tarifas envios ecommerce
  • Real-Time Tracking:

    We provide peace of mind to your customers with constant updates on every shipment.

  • Flexible Shipping Options:

    From express to economy services, adapted to your customers' needs.

  • Storage and Picking:

    Outsource these tasks to reduce costs and management time.

  • Returns Management:

    We handle returns efficiently to streamline your operations.

  • Free Integration:

    Connect your online store with our services thanks to our intuitive and free plugin.


Contact Us and Get Your Personalized Quote

Grow your e-commerce with transparent rates and tailored services.
Our experts are ready to help you choose the best logistics solution. Request your quote with no obligation and discover how we can optimize your shipping rates.

Frequently Asked Questions About E-Commerce Shipping Rates

1. Can I get personalized rates for e-commerce shipping?
Yes, we offer personalized rates for e-commerce shipping based on the volume and type of shipments for each online store, making e-commerce shipping more affordable.
2. Does MBE only focus on shipping?
No, our services go far beyond that. Trust us to be your reliable logistics partner in growing your e-commerce business.
Other MBE Services
Envíos Internacionales
Importación y exportación
Embalaje personalizado
Envíos Internacionales

Envíos Internacionales con MBE: Soluciones Personalizadas sin Complicaciones Aduaneras

Importación y exportación

MBE Import es el servicio que te permite realizar importaciones a territorio nacional de productos y materias primas procedentes de países extranjeros, tanto europeos como no europeos.

Embalaje personalizado
El servicio profesional de embalaje de paquetería que te garantiza la mejor protección.
Los Centros MBE son gestionados por franquiciados, emprendedores independientes, que operan bajo la marca MBE por un contrato de franquicia. Mail Boxes Etc. desempeña a través de su Red de negocios en franquicia, servicios de soporte a las empresas y particulares. Los principales servicios que ofrecemos son de logística y envíos, llevados a cabo gracias a los acuerdos de los que se benefician los franquiciados firmados por MBE con las principales empresas de mensajería nacionales e internacionales, y de diseño e impresión realizados bien sea directamente como a través de acuerdos con grandes centros reprográficos. La promoción de los servicios MBE a empresas y particulares se produce gracias a la actividad comercial desarrollada por el franquiciado MBE tanto en el interior como en el exterior del punto de venta (farming), específicamente, esta última, representa obligación contractual a cargo de cada franquiciado. Mail Boxes Etc. y MBE son marcas registradas y utilizadas por concesión de Fortidia - una marca registrada de MBE Worldwide S.p.A. - (todos los derechos son reservados). No todos los servicios y productos ofrecidos por MBE están disponibles en cada punto de venta. El material disponible en esta web, la información y datos contenidos en la misma no pueden ser copiados, distribuidos, modificados, republicados, reproducidos, descargados o transmitidos a terceros por cualquier medio, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de MBE Spain 2000, SL. No aceptamos ninguna responsabilidad con respecto a la utilización del material, información y/o datos no autorizados, contenidos en este sitio web.
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